Before starting and using the remote you’ll need to calibrate it.
This can be easily achieved by uploading the code and setting the calibration mode.
Code location:
Please note that before trying to upload the code you’ll need to create a copy of the file example.user_config.hpp with the name user_config.hpp.
After creating the copy, open the file user_config.hpp and set the ENABLE_CALIBRATION true.
// Debug
#define ENABLE_DEBUG false
// Calibration
uint8_t calibrationReadings = 100;
Once you’ll do that, upload the code, open the serial monitor and set the baud rate at 115200. After restarting the remote you’ll see the following information in the serial monitor.
1: Joysticks Drift & Center Value
2: Left Joystick: MIN Values
3: Left Joystick: MAX Values
4: Right Joystick: MIN Values
5: Right Joystick: MAX Values
6: Potentiometers Calibration
1. Joysticks Drift & Center Value
After entering the number 1 and pressing enter, you’ll see a similar result:
Joysticks Drift & Center Value:
Middle Value:
Left Joystick: X: 1887: Y: 1851
Right Joystick: X: 1838: Y: 1965
Drift Values:
Left Joystick: X: 5: Y: 7
Right Joystick: X: 14: Y: 7
Using the above information, update the user_config.hpp.
Joysticks Drift & Center Value:
Serial Variable Name | Config Variable Name |
Left Joystick: X | left_joystick_middle_value_x |
Left Joystick: Y | left_joystick_middle_value_y |
Right Joystick: X | right_joystick_middle_value_x |
Right Joystick: Y | right_joystick_middle_value_y |
Drift Values:
Serial Variable Name | Config Variable Name |
Left Joystick: X | left_joystick_drift_value_x |
Left Joystick: Y | left_joystick_drift_value_y |
Right Joystick: X | right_joystick_drift_value_x |
Right Joystick: Y | right_joystick_drift_value_y |
Min/Max Calibration

To get the MIN values, you’ll need to keep the joystick in the MIN area and send 2 for the left Joystick and 4 for the right joystick.
Once you’ll do that, you should see something similar to the following in the serial monitor.
Left Joystick: MIN Values:
X: 705: Y: 489
Right Joystick: MIN Values:
X: 184: Y: 638
Based on which joystick you’ll need to update the user_config.hpp
Joystick | Serial Variable Name | Config Variable Name |
Left Joystick | X | left_joystick_min_value_x |
Left Joystick | Y | left_joystick_min_value_y |
Right Joystick | X | right_joystick_min_value_x |
Right Joystick | Y | right_joystick_min_value_y |
For the MAX values, you’ll need to do something similar. Keep the joystick in the MAX area and send 3 for the left joystick and 5 for the right joystick.
The serial monitor should display something similar to the following:
Left Joystick: MAX Values:
X: 3026: Y: 2962
Right Joystick: MAX Values:
X: 3349: Y: 3218
Based on which joystick you’ll need to update the user_config.hpp
Joystick | Serial Variable Name | Config Variable Name |
Left Joystick | X | left_joystick_max_value_x |
Left Joystick | Y | left_joystick_max_value_y |
Right Joystick | X | right_joystick_max_value_x |
Right Joystick | Y | right_joystick_max_value_y |
Once you finish with the joysticks calibration, the final step is the potentiometers.
For this, you’ll need to open all the potentiometers at maximum and send 6 in the serial monitor.
After that, you should see something similar to the following:
Potentiometers Calibration:
Min Value: 3705
This was the minimum value that I was able to read from my potentiometers.
Using this value, update the user_config.hpp and set the pot_max.
Based on your potentiometers and current noise, you could also increase or decrease the drift value. Currently, the default is 2.
Joysticks: I’ll recommend adding an extra +5 for the min values, while for the max values, extract 5.
Potentiometers: For the max value I’ll recommend subtracting 2 and keeping the drift value at 2.
2. Debugging
Once you’ll add all the values, disable the calibration and enable the debug.
// Debug
#define ENABLE_DEBUG true
// Calibration
uint8_t calibrationReadings = 100;
3. Potentiometers
You should be able to see values from 0 to 255 for the potentiometers.
When moving the joystick in the MIN area you should be able to see 0 for both X and Y, while after moving the joystick in the MAX area you should be able to see 255 for both X and Y.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: The potentiometer is at the maximum value but it changes from 255 to a lower value and back to 255
A: This means that you’ll need to increase your drift value from 2 to 3 or 4.
Q: The Joystick is in the middle the value drifts from 127 on X or Y axis.
A: Your drift value is too low for that axis, increase it by 5 and retest. You could also try and use a drift value of 15.
Q: The joystick is in the MIN area but I don’t have a stable reading of 0 for X and/or Y.
A: Increase the min value for X and/or Y by 5 and retest.
Q: The joystick is in the MAX area but I don’t have a stable reading of 255 for X and/or Y.
A: Decrease the max value for X and/or Y by 5 and retest.